Why should you learn photography?

Many of us have access to smartphones and devices that have a camera in them. We normally point to the camera and take a picture but do we think about the type of picture we are taking? Almost all the phone cameras are auto-set so it will take the picture for you but what if you want to take the picture the way you see it?

Learning about photography may seem unnecessary but it does have its benefits. You can show others a picture that looks like the picture everyone else has and can take or you can show them the picture you put some thought into that will speak for itself. The slightest change can make a difference when it comes to photography. 

Taking photos allows us to capture moments. Creating photos can help your viewer join in at that moment. By definition, a moment means a brief period of time. Therefore, you can argue that capturing a moment means taking pictures of a brief period in time. However, does that image you capture represent the reason you took the picture? Does it allow the viewer to come into that moment and feel what you felt when you were there? 

Creating photos requires you to ask yourself questions such as which angle showcases the atmosphere or message you want your photo to tell. Is the emotion I want to be shown in this image coming through from the subjects? Capturing the moment in terms of photography is not quick. It really makes you answer the reason why you want to take this picture. 

Images also help us remember what people looked like at a certain time. They allow us to capture the way they were in that exact moment and the emotions they had. What they were telling without using words. 

When you stop and think about the picture you are about to take and ask yourself what you want your image to say or portray, you start to tap into your creativity. You start to see the little details that can take your photo to the next level and eventually you start to appreciate them. You’ll begin seeing the little details everywhere and then maybe even see the hidden picture that isn’t in front of you. 

Learning photography allows you to tell stories, tell other people what you think about a certain topic or situation, and it will also allow you to show off your work to others.